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  • Bob Graham – a long post about a long day

    Bob Graham – a long post about a long day

    Home »Bob Graham – a… By Nat Hicks This post is not to elicit further congratulations, as I have received very many already (thank you), but is part of my journaling process to digest this achievement. I know many of you will enjoy it also. Given the length, I will write separately at a later…

  • New club website

    New club website

    Home »New club website The club has a new website (without advertisements!) – we plan to add lots of content and information here over the coming months… watch this space!

  • UTMB: My first 100 miler!

    UTMB: My first 100 miler!

    Home »UTMB: My first 100… So I finally got a place at UTMB (Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc) after 3 years of entering the lottery and many more of building up to longer races and getting the required qualifying points. I’ve always wanted to do this race as my first 100, and now have a huge sense…